We just launched our first episode of our HOTH Life VLog, giving you an inside look at The HOTH + business and marketing strategies – Check it out below!

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We just launched our first episode of our HOTH Life VLog, giving you an inside look at The HOTH + business and marketing strategies – Check it out below!
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Nice The Hoth
Great video! Thanks, guys and people are always the most important component of any business. Because it’s hard to retain the top 1%, cherish it when you got ’em.
Nice video and I like the music choice.
Get yourself a lav mic. Or a shotgun mic.
80% of whether people will watch your video comes down to audio. The background noise is terrible.
You should also process your audio for noise reduction. If you are doing post on the audio anyway to add the music track, you can do that, easy. Audio and video editors often have an easy to use noise gate or noise reduction — you can learn how to use it in a a 3 minute Youtube video for free.
TAKSTAR SGC-698 ($45) or TAKSTAR SGC-598 ($28) and a Zoom ZH1 H1 ($80) or directly into your camera. For Just over $100, your audio will be MASSIVELY better and you might not even need noise reduction – or not much.
Welcome to the world of YouTube and thanks for the video!
Just got our mic for the vlog shoots yesterday, filmed with it today!
Video transcription would be great. Video often consumes too much bandwidth on mobile, and I often use Pocket for reading later.
Helpful Video, currently i am running small business, i hope this video help me too. thanks for providing great content